arcade: this looks good. things:

  • the visited link colour doesn't seem to be quite right (ie, it's not the same as the browser's default). but i think the browser default colour differs across browsers so it's probably not possible to fix this (unless you avoid overriding it entirely on light mode, but i'm not sure if that's a reasonable thing to do?)
  • everything else looks good though, on dark and light themes
  • i notice that you have introduced a !important. if possible it would be good to avoid this but it might not be, i know the css needs some refactoring anyway (and it already has an !important elsewhere anyway).

could you git rebase this into a single commit before i merge it?

(also, in the future, it might be easier to send me patches via git send-email, since it's slightly more convenient to do code review in general if i can point directly to parts of the diff. also, pulling in the commit is then a lot easier, i can just pipe the email to git am. (setting up a proper mailing list for apioforum development is on my to do list as well))