i tried to find the exact number that is right on the edge of when a font (more specifically "Lato" (sans-serif)) becomes bold in CSS (font-weight:549; is light while font-weight:550; is bold) and I got 549.99996948242181815658113919198513031005859374999... (the rest is just a repeating 9). now this is most likely very rough and not accurate but it's cool i guess. here's some weird things about it:

  • 7 only appears once in the number
  • 9 is the most common number (13 of them)
  • every number is in it
  • it's very specific
  • only 2 and 4 are the numbers that have the same amount of occurrences as their value (e.g. 2 appears two times, 4 appears four times)

please correct me if i am wrong thank you