I think we have enough people here now to get together a nice round or three of Mornington Crescent.

We'll play by standard forum-hosted rules. For interest, we'll include the 1989 Transatlantic module, which is now public domain, so I'm sure you have a copy. Pay special attention to the list of conditions under which the New York Portals open and where they appear.

Also, we're going to use the optional Mornington Crescent Maintenance Closure (MCMC) rule: Due to maintenance, Mornington Crescent is an invalid move for the first twenty valid and eligible moves. Only the first valid move per player per turn per post is eligible. This countdown supersedes all other rules. See rulebook for further details.

London Map New York Map

I'll start play at Elephant & Castle. I'll go ahead and take the Community Chest card that triggers discount fares, but I won't roll to determine which card it is yet. That leaves me with £12.50.