Greetings apioforumers, I'm not quite sure how I got to find this place but here I am, and I'm really glad I did. I guess this message can be a little of an introduction, even though intros tend to be a little boring!

I think it started when I saw a strange looking ad. A banner actually. And somehow I clicked it -- which is strange, I never click those. And found myself in an even stranger place. A place full of lemon! That's where I found GEORGE and wow, that page looks glorious.

I appreciate the brutalism/aesthetics/weirdness in creating. I've worked on a few projects, including one that looks a little like this forum actually! It's called the Midnight Pub ( and it's a virtual pub. The way to write a message is really similar to here.

Anyway, y'all seems like great people to be around, so wanted to say hello. :)

EDIT: I realize I haven't put a link to my homepage --