thanking you kindly !!!!1
— zee
- joined
- ago
recent posts
hello my old site died because it was bad but now i am back with a new site which is not bad :)
i have dedicated a shrine to GEORGE and by all accounts i believe i have borne witness to something greater than myself
i request grantation to the "internet-ring" in order to further my study into g¶%A0¶ɼ#
name: marzka
colour: #40625c
george: yes
hello i am little sweet akesi requesting connection to GEORGE i have some of doubloons and hope this would be sufficiennt to conect my primitive brain into the hive-mind
my webbed-site is at and i believe the colour #ad81a4 would suit most wonderfully
on the Dis-Cord i am aimoni#1312 and to find myself engeorged would be an honour
tl;dr { "ref": "", "application": { "name": "akesi", "url": "", "color": "#ad81a4", "discord": { "display_name": "aimoni", "affix": 1312, "want_role": true } } }