Nathan777 chooses 7.51, again.
quintopia chooses 5.147102625.
the distance is less than 5, so the highest guesser Nathan77 wins the match!
here is the current tournament bracket:
here are some additional observations:
- both of the finalists played their first match in round 2, rather than round 1.
- up to this point, all matches except one have ended with a distance of less than 5, meaning the highest guess has won
- the image quality of my tournament bracket drawings has declined steadily since the beginning of this competition, due to poor lighting
- 13 of all 17 submitted guesses (that's 76%) have had an integer part that is odd; only 4 have been even.
- the largest ever guess is 10, and the smallest ever guess is 0.
- the mean guess is about 5.598. the standard deviation of the guesses is about 3.131.
- the median guess is 5.147, the lower quartile guess is 3.142, and the upper quartile guess is 7.510.
- there isn't a unique mode - 3, 10, pi, and 7.51 have each been submitted twice, and all other submitted guesses are unique.
- here is a box plot:
good luck to both the finalists !