there is one key point you are not considering. 100% of apionet is arguments. if the arguments are moved somewhere else or removed altogether there is no more apionet. apionet consists only of this. there is nothing else ever happening on apionet. nobody ever pays attention to the non-argument apionet messages. the banter engulfs a black hole and boy arent we all getting SUCKED into the hole. we are all going to get SUCKED into the hole and die. all o fus are destined to the HOLE. the HOLE is the end of everything and all the things. there is no destiny only HOLE. the HOLE will suck all of us up and poop us back out in the fifth dimension where we all can live happily without arguments or holes or poop. but unfortunately when you die in the fifth dimension you respawn in the normal dimension. so all of our efforts are in vain. no point in doing anything .sorry