
  • ability to select tags when creating a thread
  • ability to search/filter threads by tags
  • ability for site admins to manage tags (instead of having to directly access the database to change any of them)
    • presumably this implies a site settings page for admins
    • presumably this also implies a way to determine who "admins" are. probably just a list, modifiable by admins. or maybe there is an "owner" who can appoint admins. or something.
  • (possibly) ability to have more style options on tags as well as just text and background colour
  • when we have multiple (sub)forums, then there should be per-forum tags (ie rules about what tags are usable in what forums). new tags for a subforum should then also be creatable by the "admins" of that subforum.
    • this implies some kind of per-forum moderation system, which i haven't fully thought through yet.
    • if we have nested subforums, then there should probably be an option to make tags inheritable and not inheritable, perhaps per-tag.
      • (or you could just recreate tags you want to inherit tbh)