
non-binary 16 y.o. furry that likes the programming (she/they)

wow, i was using this website before i was an enby. lol

I live on saturn

my name on the george website is madeforlosers

apioforum "O.G."

I made a website (dead link)

Dou goye hujiv (polv) propova, avol dou botos dadoz!

vert tyovil di sobas cop Metrez (lug propova), hupoy dou faz bi devis liva dadoz

dou faz bur mutyb fod dou be'rt porvit fod propova.

cof-una-fone di yore tuval bi tyldn.

dopoyd, avol jifuxi

fozeka tuval porvit

fod donakii paz tug

abrafu pernol'rt verhulbi

flowo tovopar. trurali mus doz.

tawsil!!!!!!!! dou botos di taswil tuval bi puwet!!!!!

dou botos taswelll, abson doz :)

puyiv bi liyar thavo tuv retur

— Jmzd8


recent posts

Jmzd8 (edited ) #2234



Jmzd8 #2226

there is no need to be sorry you did nothing

Jmzd8 #2224

i cant believe i killed the thread

Jmzd8 #2222

2222 post

Jmzd8 #2221


Jmzd8 #2218


Jmzd8 #2216


Jmzd8 (edited ) #2209

like I said i'm 14 and I havent hit my growth spurt yet

Jmzd8 #2207

it might

Jmzd8 #2204

i bet i'm taller than you though, I'm 5'8 (suprisingly, I'm taller than a lot of people for some reason, mostly furries)

Jmzd8 #2200

aha, I'm 14

Jmzd8 (edited ) #2198

wow, I didn't know you are in school

I was under the impression that almost everyone here was way older than me for some reason x)

Jmzd8 #2196

good, just got back in school after spring break

Jmzd8 #2194

thats awesome

Jmzd8 #2192

how are you taswelll?

Jmzd8 #2190

just a friendly reminder that i exist

Jmzd8 (edited ) #2096

i was kidding. i am only scared of bees when they are close to me in real life

bur api covos puwet

Jmzd8 #2089

AAAAAAAAAAH i'm scared of bees!!!

Jmzd8 #2086

when i have intercourse (non-sexually, the other definition) with my friends

Jmzd8 #2083

attempting to revive the thread hi

Jmzd8 #2082

you do you

Jmzd8 #2052

I also found another cool number, which is roughly the number right before javascript says "infinity", and thats 179769313486231580793728971405303415079934132710037826936173778980444968292764750946649017977587207096330286416692887910946555547851940402630657488671505820681908902000708383676273854845817711531764475730270069855571366959622842914819860834936475292719074168444365510704342711559699508093042880177904174497791. its very rough and most likely not exact but telling javascript to output this with 1 added to it (you have to add it yourself just adding +1 at the end doesn't change it) but its super huge.

Jmzd8 (edited ) #2043

i tried to find the exact number that is right on the edge of when a font (more specifically "Lato" (sans-serif)) becomes bold in CSS (font-weight:549; is light while font-weight:550; is bold) and I got 549.99996948242181815658113919198513031005859374999... (the rest is just a repeating 9). now this is most likely very rough and not accurate but it's cool i guess. here's some weird things about it:

  • 7 only appears once in the number
  • 9 is the most common number (13 of them)
  • every number is in it
  • it's very specific
  • only 2 and 4 are the numbers that have the same amount of occurrences as their value (e.g. 2 appears two times, 4 appears four times)

please correct me if i am wrong thank you

Jmzd8 #2042

send your favorite word here. (other than bees bc i have apiphobia but its less severe)

Jmzd8 #2021


Jmzd8 #2019


Jmzd8 (edited ) #2018

is that (6/2)(1+2) or 6/(2(1+2))

follow pemdas

Jmzd8 #2013

whats 6/2(1+2)