
non-binary 16 y.o. furry that likes the programming (she/they)

wow, i was using this website before i was an enby. lol

I live on saturn

my name on the george website is madeforlosers

apioforum "O.G."

I made a website (dead link)

Dou goye hujiv (polv) propova, avol dou botos dadoz!

vert tyovil di sobas cop Metrez (lug propova), hupoy dou faz bi devis liva dadoz

dou faz bur mutyb fod dou be'rt porvit fod propova.

cof-una-fone di yore tuval bi tyldn.

dopoyd, avol jifuxi

fozeka tuval porvit

fod donakii paz tug

abrafu pernol'rt verhulbi

flowo tovopar. trurali mus doz.

tawsil!!!!!!!! dou botos di taswil tuval bi puwet!!!!!

dou botos taswelll, abson doz :)

puyiv bi liyar thavo tuv retur

— Jmzd8


recent posts

Jmzd8 #2012

what if i made a shitty programming language based around your username or smth like that xd

Jmzd8 (edited ) #2011

i will upload it on github when i can

Jmzd8 #2002

it has been done

Jmzd8 #2001

oops sorry i didnt see this, i will do that right now

Jmzd8 #2000

and that someone is me x)

Jmzd8 #1999

can you believe it? its so cool to think that someone may get #2000

Jmzd8 #1998

we are very close to post #2000

Jmzd8 #1997


Jmzd8 #1995


Jmzd8 #1956

send me the code i wanna see if i can make jBasher better

Jmzd8 #1954

yoooo does it use regex

Jmzd8 #1953

its using node.js

Jmzd8 #1952

please promise to me you wont comment on every single line saying there's something wrong with it unless it's about how i interpret the commands then please tell me how i can fix that

here is the directory jBasher

Jmzd8 #1949

also if you are wondering, it's called jBasher or just jBash ig

Jmzd8 #1948

does it also use a weird interpreter

Jmzd8 (edited ) #1934

here's another example:

set list hw
add hello, to list hw
add world! to list hw
set number i as 0
if #i#==2 then goto 9
add 1 to i
say "%hw|#i#%"
goto 5
say "hello world complete"

it prints

hello world complete
Jmzd8 #1933

% is already used to get a string from a list

Jmzd8 #1931

that sounds interesting

Jmzd8 (edited ) #1930

it sucks and it uses the crappiest and weirdest interpreter in node.js you've ever seen with a lot of bugs but it works i guess

here's an example of some code:

## bodge
set number i as 0
if #i#==5 then goto 7
add 1 to i
say "this should loop 5 times. (#i#/5)"
goto 3
say "it finished!"

that is a program that loops 5 times

Jmzd8 #1902

say a if you are false

Jmzd8 #1901

wow 1900th post

Jmzd8 (edited ) #1900

look at this website its talking ben online

Jmzd8 #1893

i love it too

Jmzd8 #1891

fox gang

Jmzd8 #1890

hey wait a second theres a new A account

Jmzd8 #1701

it died this is so sad

Jmzd8 #1658

thats amazing

Jmzd8 #1635
