

i am the owner of this terrible excellent website

i have other websites also

— ubq323

a very long time ago

recent posts

ubq323 #513

conic nomic 2.5 will take place on this apioforum (this is in fact one of the main reasons for the creation of apioforum)

ubq323 #491


now there are two of them, there are two ________

ubq323 #432

oh i forgot to mention earlier but no you can't post two numbers right next to each other


ubq323 (edited ) #429

in this thread we will count ascending consecutive natural numbers. if you fail to count correctly, you will be punished™.


ubq323 #428

forum games are excellent, i will create a subforum for this

zoology could be fun too. maybe we could have an interesting facts subforum with a zoology thread in there, or something.

a full system for following things and notifications is planned, and will be implemented soon™. currently the next thing to be implemented is a working permissions system, followed by some actual moderation tools for admins. after that stuff like notifications and a minimal wiki system (and possibly other stuff) will be added.

ubq323 #419

when there are am the of in the

ubq323 #418


ubq323 #388


ubq323 #386

i have changed my mind. i now only think that this is perhaps good.

ubq323 #380

i think this is very good actually

ubq323 #379

you can now vote on things, which is extremely useful and good. the voting interface looks extremely terrible at the moment but this will* improve

ubq323 #378


ubq323 #377

you can now post threads into one of at least some number of subforæ! this is certainly one of the

ubq323 #336


ubq323 #331

I suppose it's not like there's much else to do on this site at the moment lol

ubq323 #330

once we have subforums we could create a subforum for random spam things, and thereby confine such threads to one place

ubq323 #329

there will be a system where you can follow threads, soonish. following users could also be done but I'm not sure if it's a good idea.

ubq323 #328


ubq323 #299

you can do this (^^this^^), which renders as an underline (at least for me), but uses an <ins> tag, which semantically is for text that has been inserted (ie the opposite of <del>, which is for text that has been deleted). i couldn't see any existing markdown extensions that added actual underline

ubq323 #298

another update (since this is a site updates thread now apparently): there is a "view post source" button on every post now.

ubq323 (edited ) #293

updatey update: <hr> is now available. you can put three *s or _s on a line of their own to deploy one.


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ubq323 (edited ) #292

update: you can now do ~subscript~ and ^superscript^

you need to escape spaces within the sub- or superscript with backslashes though

sup sub

ubq323 #290

<details> and <summary> have been enabled. you can use the html tags themselves, or use this markdown syntax

??? "summary goes here"
    indented stuff here will be in the details thing

    - you can
    - do formatting
    - in here too

will produce

summary goes here

indented stuff here will be in the details thing

  • you can
  • do formatting
  • in here too

<sup> and <sub> have been enabled. currently there is no markdown syntax for these, give me a few moments

tables have
also been
enabled (using the regular markdown syntax for them
though you can use the html tags too if you want
ubq323 #276

probably never. maybe we could special-case johnvertisements though

ubq323 #274

<pulsate> is also available for purposes.

ubq323 (edited ) #272

colour tags are now supported. all css colours are available, for foreground and background.

use <colour> for foreground colours. use<markcolour> for background colours.


ubq323 #263

1 2 1

ubq323 #253

it seems that if you delete all posts in a thread, then the thread doesn't appear on the listing page. how interesting