
your shit is wreaked

— timaeusTestified


recent posts

timaeusTestified #1742

i am posting slurs in #general

timaeusTestified #1741

i dont need to be the first.

timaeusTestified #1732

im going to be a bad person

im going to do bad things

timaeusTestified #1730

you are

timaeusTestified #1729

(edit) you need two newlines to make a new line in markdown silly

this isnt proper markdown aaaaa where is my funny br

timaeusTestified #1728

this sucks


timaeusTestified #1721

this is dubious, i disapprove.

timaeusTestified #1712

i am correct. They get repelled by your lack of dubious ryhmes, Perchance.

timaeusTestified #1710

413 is the most natual folloed by 612

timaeusTestified #1709

i know it, dont worry.

timaeusTestified #1708

everyone that goes to your sever gets zero(0) bitches.

timaeusTestified #1707

i am growing fur uncontrollably help me

timaeusTestified #1706

i am voiting against this, heh nothin personal kid