natural number thread. #177

heavoid src #1238

25, because it's composite and thus better.

arcade src #1239

420 bc weed 😔

trimill src #1240

432, a good approximation for 420 but with more prime factors

Jmzd8 (edited ) src #1244

2417851600000000000000000 because it equals 2^(3^4) (or 2^81)

heavoid src #1247

i find that questionable given that any power of 2 cannot have prime factors other than 2, and yet that clearly has 5 as a prime factor.

heavoid src #1248

as such, 5 is clearly better.

arcade src #1249

2 is the basis of all digital bases, so it is best

Jmzd8 src #1256

1 is the lowest integer and can also make every integer

ubq323 (bureaucrat) src #1290

1 is not the lowest integer (counterexample: 0 is an integer and is lower than 1). 2^81 is 2417851639229258349412352, not 2417851600000000000000000.

i think that 19683 is a good number (nanpa pona) but i will not reveal why

Jmzd8 src #1291

ah, my apologies

trimill src #1302

1302, since it is the id of this post

ultlang src #1304

i think that 4 is a four number (nanpa po

citrons (bureaucrat) src #1331

NaN is literally "Not a Number". it's not a natural number, nor is it any other type of number.

in any case, 132 is better than all of these numbers due to its digital (hand) expression in binary.

timaeusTestified src #1710

413 is the most natual folloed by 612

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