are you a furry #189

are you a furry

  1. yes: 5 votes
  2. no: 4 votes
yes: 5 no: 4 poll: are you a furry option "yes": 5 votes option "no": 4 votes total votes: 9
Jmzd8 src #1350

poll will be placed here. if you judge I will send you to the

viba src #1351

im viba of course im a funny little animal

arcade (edited ) src #1352

yes. furries are the best

Jmzd8 src #1353

i am also one

arcade src #1354

furry subforum >w<

Jmzd8 src #1356

petition to make furry subforum

arcade src #1358

ultlang src #1362

i might or might not be a furry. most likely not but i'm not entirely sure

arcade src #1365

join us uwu

amby src #1371

no (to my current knowledge)

however that is the answer i would have given if you asked me if i was bi 2 years ago

big brother (bureaucrat) #1374
this post never existed.
munvoseli src #1574

i don't really have a feeling but i assume that if i had a feeling i would be a furry

mb src #1575

i am Probably not

timaeusTestified src #1730

you are

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