forum fourteen #14


what is forum fourteen

forum fourteen is an organization dedicated to the eradication of entities noncomformant to principle 14 of the 27 principles throughout ideatic space. forum fourteen will be dissolved upon the eradication of all such entities. in the event that no noncomformant entities exist, no noncomformant entities can be produced, as principle 14 forbids the creation of new noncomformant entities.

how do I join forum fourteen?

all sentient beings who have viewed this text are eligible to join forum fourteen. to join, make a new thread pledging your allegiance to forum fourteen. you must also explicitly agree to the forum fourteen bylaws. here is the template you should follow:

I, <name> hereby pledge my unconditional allegiance to forum fourteen and swear to conform to ALL forum fourteen bylaws.

does forum fourteen urum htiarm hom do e edg?

fom horatistiterurur f foum jone foncalexy e t foulvioroureleranorre jortoreshoncroncied de pourutlldge. foragantllencoum cofon s tedertespronand fon dows te s m akenor ncoren tegs te tticad thouc ofour tieswhe by erortoum foureane y urt ave tinicitofoncatithenarm ucalles I jorile. xyzaciencatinfoncado jono fo es.


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