I just found this website, and what even is this? #250

Vess src #2286

I need context. cool project though

taswelll src #2287

this is apioforum; it is a forum with apioformic properties

Vess src #2288

define apioformic

mb src #2289


Vess src #2290

Interesting. What kind of apioformic shenanigans are the people of apioform usually up to?

mb src #2291

the website is apioforum. we typically discuss bees and GEORGE and other things

taswelll src #2293

note: apioform and apioforum are NOT the same thing. apioform is 🐝—apioforum is https://a.gh0.pw/

Vess src #2294

Thank you for the clarification. Bees are an interesting topic. I like bees. What's GEORGE though?

taswelll (edited ) src #2295

more information about GEORGE can be found at https://george.gh0.pw/

gollark src #2296

Apioforms are not bees, although they are strongly correlated.

Vess src #2297

What's the relation between bees and apioforms?

mb src #2298

they are strongly correlated.

Vess src #2299

Yes, but what type of correlation?

ultlang src #2300

this relation is the subject of numerous studies, such as, , 's excellent "", or.

gollark (edited ) src #2301

Ultlang has been affected by θ' and is not a reliable source. Please watch this.

mb src #2302

what is θ' ?

gollark src #2303

That information is classified, confidential, redacted and expunged.

mb src #2304

oh shit

citrons (bureaucrat) src #2305

hello, vess

Vess src #2306


thank you for the video, it was a very educational video for uninformed (me)

citrons (bureaucrat) src #2307

all are advised to interact with https://john.citrons.xyz and https://zzcxz.citrons.xyz

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