
proud owner of the 1000th post on apioforum

— amby

a very long time ago

recent posts

amby #2056

floating point infinity is all exponent and mantissa bits set high

so you get +/- infinity from the sign bit

see also +/-0

amby #2046

it wont be a float thing because all floats can be represented perfectly in decimal, and this has infinite repeating nines

amby #1957


amby #1907

that is one of the websites i have ever seen

amby #1747

le mon

amby #1614


amby #1613


amby #1537


amby #1491

this almost makes me angry enough to learn git so i can fix it myself

amby #1442


amby #1371

no (to my current knowledge)

however that is the answer i would have given if you asked me if i was bi 2 years ago

amby #1368


amby (edited ) #1367

(?<=\b||\s)([wW])[wWvVmM]\1(?=\b|$|\s) is a better one

uses lookbehind though so it might not work everywhere

amby #1355


amby #1328

omg rust on apioforum no way

amby #1235


because it's a double mersenne prime, was factorised by euler and was the largest known mersenne prime for around 100 years

amby #1120

donny is used when like theres some year 8 walkin around like he owns the place and youre like "whos this donny"

amby #1118

whos the donny in the apioforum favicon

amby #1109


amby #1108

reply to thread

amby #1093

ok apionet wasnt as beansed as i thought huh

amby #1092

hey i posted this

amby #1091

hey i posted this

amby #1090

hey i posted this

amby #1089

hey i posted this

amby #1079

there are 48 regular polyhedra (and yes i know you said platonic solids shut up)

amby #1076


amby #1075

called it