

i am the owner of this terrible excellent website

i have other websites also

— ubq323

a very long time ago

recent posts

ubq323 #1441


ubq323 #1440

hmm what food should i go and eat

uhh i have like no ingredients uhhhh

ubq323 #1438

also i can confirm that this is now the apioforum thread with the most posts

ubq323 #1432

locked down hardware is so extremely annoying and silly

ubq323 #1423

wow this thread is active

ubq323 #1421

trains are definitely one of my favourite genders

ubq323 #1326

just did a strange thing

turned everything pink

ubq323 #1315

doing so is cool

ubq323 #1308

sounds good. I would not recommend doing this on repl.it, I'm not sure if repl.it even supports git and things. (the CAFile thing is probably a bug in repl.it, I wouldn't worry about it)

ubq323 #1305

run git clone https://g.gh0.pw/apioforum. you will need git installed. you can install git from their downloads page and you can learn how to use git (if you have not used it before) from the pro git book, which is free to read online.

also, lack of knowledge about a particular thing is not stupidity, it is just not knowing something. in this case i probably should have explained things better, sorry about that. if you need help with other things please let me know (either here or on apionet).

ubq323 (edited ) #1301


  1. clone the source code
  2. edit the source code with your desired changes, ensuring that they work
  3. send me your changes, preferably with git send-email
ubq323 #1299

hopefully it will be up again one day, but we cannot be sure of when

ubq323 #1298

oh. that was never a thing, i think. you're welcome to add it though

ubq323 #1294

wiki encyclopedia is currently down indefinitely due to circumstances, according to citrons

ubq323 #1293

it was never removed (?)

ubq323 #1290

1 is not the lowest integer (counterexample: 0 is an integer and is lower than 1). 2^81 is 2417851639229258349412352, not 2417851600000000000000000.

i think that 19683 is a good number (nanpa pona) but i will not reveal why

ubq323 #1234

floats don't have anything to do with natural numbers

ubq323 #1225

congratulations, you have been enGEORGEd! please add this to your website:

<iframe height="50" src="https://george.gh0.pw/embed.cgi?arcade" style="border:none;width:100%"></iframe>
ubq323 #1224

please add this to your website:

<iframe height="50" src="https://george.gh0.pw/embed.cgi?m15o" style="border:none;width:100%"></iframe>
ubq323 #1173

haha ha 1

ubq323 #1146

this looks cool. the only criticism i have is that the colour of links is too dark in dark theme (especially already visited links), but i am not sure what colour it would be good to change them to instead. if this is fixed i would be happy to merge these changes though.

ubq323 #1132

well, presumably the lights are not flickering because their power supply is being turned on and off, they are flickering because they are broken

ubq323 #1122

it used to be the old gh0.pw icon but that icon was made by tux1 who isn't a very nice person so i changed it to euler everywhere

ubq323 (edited ) #1119

i don't know what a donny is but


it is euler, of course

ubq323 #1103

oh wait, might be a webhook thing

ubq323 #1102

ok, seems to be to do with the very long title. weirdly it isn't logging anything to the server error log, and also weirdly i can't reproduce this locally. as a workaround i will add a maximum thread title length.

ubq323 #1101

test 3

ubq323 #1099

test 3