

i am the owner of this terrible excellent website

i have other websites also

— ubq323

a very long time ago

recent posts

ubq323 #1731

it is banned. anyway this is not relevant to b programming language, so b(ee) you doubly

ubq323 (edited ) #1725

epic newline fail

(edit) you need two newlines to make a new line in markdown silly

ubq323 #1720


ubq323 #1717

do you not need an equals sign to initialise varibles? interesting

ubq323 #1667

isn't gitea written in go

ubq323 #1664

ah yeah

ubq323 #1662

afaik sourcehut doesn't cost any money right now, and won't until it's out of alpha

ubq323 #1639

out of interest what kind of circumstances allow you to run python but not go?

ubq323 #1634

what's wrong with go?

ubq323 #1629

hmm thats a good point actually. and then they could be stickied. hm yes i will think about this.

ubq323 #1626

apioforum is going to develop wiki functionality at some point. i think. i haven't decided if it should just be a part of apioforum or if it should be a separate thing or what.

the reason for this is that conic nomic will (yes i am still planning to do that eventually) will need a wiki to keep track of stuff, and it would be convenient to have some wiki that has the same markup language as apioforum. integrating directly with apioforum would be a bonus ofc.

ubq323 #1624

perhaps apiowiki is to become extant at some point. hm

ubq323 #1619


ubq323 #1605

after 4.5 months, this is finally fixed

ubq323 #1590

i think arcade means pushing the code to their mirror on sourcehut https://git.sr.ht/~arcade/apioforum. only i can push code to g.gh0.pw.

ubq323 #1578


ubq323 (edited ) #1576

arcade: this looks good. things:

  • the visited link colour doesn't seem to be quite right (ie, it's not the same as the browser's default). but i think the browser default colour differs across browsers so it's probably not possible to fix this (unless you avoid overriding it entirely on light mode, but i'm not sure if that's a reasonable thing to do?)
  • everything else looks good though, on dark and light themes
  • i notice that you have introduced a !important. if possible it would be good to avoid this but it might not be, i know the css needs some refactoring anyway (and it already has an !important elsewhere anyway).

could you git rebase this into a single commit before i merge it?

(also, in the future, it might be easier to send me patches via git send-email, since it's slightly more convenient to do code review in general if i can point directly to parts of the diff. also, pulling in the commit is then a lot easier, i can just pipe the email to git am. (setting up a proper mailing list for apioforum development is on my to do list as well))

ubq323 #1569

I haven't had much free time recently, I'll look at it when I get a chance though

ubq323 #1566

today bees are to be deployed

ubq323 (edited ) #1556

i don't plan on adding hooks to my server to interface with external services (especially proprietary services) unless there is a particularly compelling reason to

what's your reason for wanting your github mirror to always be up to date? can't you just do git pull and then git push on your local machine when you need the github mirror to be updated? (or indeed set up something to do that periodically)

ubq323 #1555


ubq323 #1554

how and why would that happen

ubq323 #1552

only admins can delete threads i think

ubq323 #1536


ubq323 #1534

i am not sure if it's possible to get github to automatically pull changes in from an external repo; i would imagine it isn't

ubq323 #1530

update what

ubq323 #1528


ubq323 #1524

stop woahing