Looking for MEGAPIONET host #98

fragmentSagisces src #650

I am developing a shitposting social network exclusively for members of the great Apionet. I need a host for my (definitely not spaghetti) code. Preferably a Raspberry Pi, but anything that has 24/7 uptime, a constant connection to the internet and supports Python 3.x.x works. To the Apionet!

gollark src #714

I can give you an account on a Raspberry Pi or one of various osmarks.net servers/VPSes. Please contact me at osmarks@protonmail.com to discuss.

fragmentSagisces src #1586

i have completely forgotten this because ★procrastination★. i wish i had seen this earlier because at the time i did actually have motivation for that project, and now i do not.

welp, it is what it is.

kit src #1607

hey if you ever need it u can use my server

kit src #1608

i can also help u with development

kit src #1633

as long as it doesnt use go

ubq323 (bureaucrat) src #1634

what's wrong with go?

fragmentSagisces src #1636

i cannot use go due to circumstances. so i would likely be fine with such a server

kit src #1637

go does not like non-sse2 processors

kit src #1638

ok cool

ubq323 (bureaucrat) src #1639

out of interest what kind of circumstances allow you to run python but not go?

fragmentSagisces src #1640

skill issues.

fragmentSagisces src #1641

in all honesty the main programming languages i use ever are python and lua (specifically the pico-8 dialect)

kit src #1642

idk, but whenever i run go stuff it runs into illegal instruction errors, even when running the go compiler. whereas python has no issues (probably bc it is interpreted and its compiled for non-sse2 processors)

gollark src #1644

Go is actually bad due to general inexpressiveness.

taswelll src #1645

if err != nil {

gollark src #1647

This is an example of inexpressiveness, yes.

arcade src #1648

python is very fun. and i would also gladly submit my dev skill if u need them

fragmentSagisces src #1649

that would be nice; personally the issue for me is not that i cannot make stuff in python, it's that i am not very productive and as a single person that directly translates to not much progress being made on a project

given more than one person, the productivity at any one time should either be zero, equal to the productivity of one person or equal to the productivity of two people, which is one extra arguably better option than if you only had one person working on it

in non-bloated talk, yeah, working with other people is more productive and sometimes even nice

arcade (edited ) src #1650

nice, so are we gonna do this? and if so, what forge should we use? (i vote sourcehut, but if y'all don't want to deal with git-send-email, we can use smith else)

fragmentSagisces src #1652

i personally have only ever used github, but it may be time to try something else. i'll look into sourcehut

fragmentSagisces src #1653

it would appear that hosting projects on sourcehut requires payment.

fragmentSagisces src #1654

yeah i really don't know anything outside of github. this is embarassing :/

gollark src #1655

In some cases, adding more people can actually reduce productivity due to coordination overhead. I'm not sure if that's likely at small scales, but still.

fragmentSagisces src #1656

very good point

fragmentSagisces src #1657

at a certain team scale working without dedicated coordinators is essentially impossible

arcade src #1659

two or three folx on a small, non-priority project is great, i've done it before

fragmentSagisces src #1660

i have essentially never worked with other people on a software project. this is likely due to the fact that i am a megalomaniac.

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