Zirconium (IV) chloride #9

gollark src #28

This compound exists. Consider it.

ubq323 (bureaucrat) src #29

I certainly will.

citrons (bureaucrat) src #31

I am considering it!

Wyub src #35

consider: zirconium (III) chloride

gollark src #49

Excellent! This consideration is vital for many GTech™ plans.

ubq323 (bureaucrat) src #58

consider: zirconium (II) chloride...

heavoid src #1771

i think zirconium (IV) chloride is a compound.

ultlang src #1809

chloronium (VI) zircide

heavoid src #1810

i disagree with this notion immensely.

ultlang src #1811

too bad, it is to be(e)

heavoid src #1812

however: - ??? - bee you.

ultlang src #1813


heavoid src #1814

what i meant was ??? - APIOFORM you. ??? - BEE APIOFORM you.

heavoid src #1815

nevermind, apparently i didn't mean that since that feature works not.

ultlang src #1816

bee BEE apioforms. chλoroniυμ bees

heavoid src #1817


heavoid src #1818

now all posts under that one will PERIODICALLY MOVE. fear it.

ultlang src #1820

movement is to occur

heavoid src #1822

æ æ æ æ æææaaaaææ magenta.

ultlang src #1825

haha . no escape li lon

heavoid src #1827

mi ken tawa tan ni: laso kasi li api e unu loje mute. bee your magenta

timaeusTestified src #1828

this is balls.

ultlang src #1829

aaaaææ aą. ni li sorgligt mute a alu unu loje li weka e api lon sike kiwen ni a

timaeusTestified src #1833


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