zzcxz #167

citrons (bureaucrat) (edited ) src #1123

the zzcxz is before you.

arcade src #1125

fix the lights

arcade src #1126

dammit i almost died. on brand

citrons (bureaucrat) src #1127


kit src #1128

flourescent lights wear out quickly if theyre constantly turned on and off, assuming that they use a starter circuit, as the starter circuit sends a pulse of super high voltage through the tube to "kick" it on which partially damages it. however, by leaving it on for a long-ish period of time, it can heal itself

so, flickering flourescent lamps == not good

gollark src #1129

Yes, they really ought to be on LEDs now.

kit (edited ) src #1130

no they should be cheese

also, LEDs, depending on what kind of driver circuit you use, could also get damaged by being turned on and off due to it overheating. but, this is isn't as likely to happen

gollark src #1131

They could purchase GTechâ„¢ GLightingâ„¢ instead. It just creates arbitrary electromagnetic radiation in the general area around it.

ubq323 (bureaucrat) src #1132

well, presumably the lights are not flickering because their power supply is being turned on and off, they are flickering because they are broken

citrons (bureaucrat) src #1133

yes, their flickering is due to wear.

kit (edited ) src #1134

relatively relevant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLaD11LITbQ

heavoid src #1762

i am going to send a message here, such that people remember the zzcxz. wow, it's been 23 days?

gollark src #1765

The zzcxz existed before, after and parallel to time.

timaeusTestified src #1770

i am going to send a message here, such that people remember the zzcxz. wow, it's been 23 days?

apologies but i will do no such thing

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