
— gollark

a very long time ago

recent posts

gollark #1911

Me too!

gollark #1765

The zzcxz existed before, after and parallel to time.

gollark #1655

In some cases, adding more people can actually reduce productivity due to coordination overhead. I'm not sure if that's likely at small scales, but still.

gollark #1647

This is an example of inexpressiveness, yes.

gollark #1644

Go is actually bad due to general inexpressiveness.

gollark #1643


gollark #1630

Minoteaur 8 is not public because I continuously edit it in particularly backward-incompatible ways and the code is bad. "Make Minoteaur" refers to either improving an existing version or entirely writing it from scratch in a way consistent with my poorly defined and incoherent desires.

gollark #1627

I see. The easiest way would be to just make posts which are publicly editable/editable by some group, like "community wikis" on stackoverflow.

gollark #1625

Is Apiowiki wiki software or just a wiki relating to apios?

gollark #1623

If you made Minoteaur you could use the tools of your choice. Besides, 8 is in Rust anyway.

gollark #1620

You have a website. They suggested a wobsite.

gollark #1617

I said that you should make it. Make a more efficient version.

gollark #1615

You should make and then host Minoteaur.

gollark #1567

As they are on all days.

gollark #1322

You have, I believe, forgotten some people.

gollark #1255

Forum #10 is not just for bees, but for all relevant GTech™ entities.

gollark #1253

Also, I assume you mean forum 10. Form #10 is an osmarksnation™-2294G property tax increase appeal request form. Apioform #10 is bees.

gollark #1252

It is where agents of GTech™ discuss our ongoing work to destroy the Moon (celestial body).

gollark #1221

Exciting news: you have now been accepted into GEORGE after just 87 days and 21 hours.

gollark #1131

They could purchase GTech™ GLighting™ instead. It just creates arbitrary electromagnetic radiation in the general area around it.

gollark #1129

Yes, they really ought to be on LEDs now.

gollark #976

Ah, a GTech™ unbee storage capsule?

gollark #892

This is not a good way to contact me.

gollark #877

We do find it useful if you specify a color, but I'll forward it to the Council without that and edit it in later.

gollark #866

Sorry for the delay. The Council is processing your application. This can take anywhere from 3.2 µs to 1032 teraseconds.

gollark #804

I told you you should have used the very practical socketoidal backup. Maybe I need a DNS to my event feed bridge.

gollark #721

Applications will be fully processed at arbitrary past or future times. It has already been posted to Council GEORGEspace.

gollark #714

I can give you an account on a Raspberry Pi or one of various osmarks.net servers/VPSes. Please contact me at osmarks@protonmail.com to discuss.