
— gollark

a very long time ago

recent posts

gollark #2871

Terse and still somewhat comprehensible, I mean, sorry. While it might technically be possible to implement things like generics with weird workarounds, it seems like nobody actually does this, so I cannot, say, conveniently import a generic hashtable like I can in Rust and use it on anything I want. There are other things like lack of ADTs which are problematic.

gollark #2841

Regardless, I don't think C is actually "powerful" in any relevant sense. It lets you mess with memory in low-level ways, but this isn't something most programs actually need as much as end up doing as an implementation detail and/or horrible security problem. It doesn't let you define many nice abstractions or write code in general and terse ways.

gollark #2840

There are build tools which can write the WASM bindings for you.

gollark #2825

I agree that all programming languages are vaguely terrible in some way, but my preferences disagree with all your examples. C is irritatingly low-level, nonexpressive and unsafe, Perl is eldritch, and you don't even need to use JS on the web nowadays.

gollark #2801

rustc is, as far as I know, quite tightly tied to cargo. They add features to it to make cargo work correctly. I don't really care about this because it's a very nice build tool.

gollark (edited ) #2791

Rust takes power away from the programmer because it makes it completely impossible to do things that people often very well have a damn good reason for doing, forcing developers to make bloated, slow programs, all done in a crazed pursuit of "safety"

The developers did actually recognize that this could be an issue, hence "unsafe blocks". You're just not really meant to use them all the time, and it isolates the unsafety to those regions.

This isn't accidental—it's explicitly stated as its goal. It's a bit like governments banning books because "think of the children!!!11!!!" except nowhere near as big of a deal.

I do not think it's particularly valid to compare equate government "safety" to programming language "safety", and not just because of unsafe blocks. It is generally easier to opt out of writing in a particular programming language than it is to opt out of a government doing a thing.

In addition, it locks programmers and users into a specific ecosystem, which people get all pissy about when proprietary-software companies do it, yet when Rust does it it's for some reason seen as okay despite being just as much of a hostile tactic.

There are some Rust libraries which export C-usable interfaces, most notably regex, which I believe is actually being trialled as a replacement for Python's re module.

Furthermore, the official community surrounding Rust uses an immoral code of law that allows for infinite punishment to be given to people, allows punishment to be given without a fair trial, and allows punishment for actions committed outside of the jurisdiction of the Rust community.

I mean, I haven't looked at this, but I think most communities informally work this way anyway.

gollark #2752

You could have power and control over Minoteaur.

gollark #2689

Additionally, just abstractly wanting an active forum is probably bad. You should try and work out what sort of interesting and valuable community you want to/could create.

gollark #2688

Why not make Minoteaur? As many as two people have expressed interest in it.

gollark #2646

Well, Minoteaur has been rewritten 8.1 times and that went really well for it.

gollark #2602

It would have been funny if we made the post numbers vast randomly generated integers, I think.

gollark #2564

Aesthetic concerns were raised with your site, but the main reason your application hasn't been approved is that some of the Council doesn't want to associate with you given your past actions.

gollark #2486

We could probably offer an embed with more CSS controls/plain link formatting, right?

gollark #2420

Strictly speaking, if it requires a separate receiver thing, it isn't a Bluetooth keyboard. Unless that receiver thing is a general-purpose USB Bluetooth radio. The non-Bluetooth wireless ones probably run on some accursed proprietary wireless protocol, so I would not trust them.

gollark #2388
  • nomic where the rules are expressed as pictograms or something
gollark #2320

Yes. They are on a Minecraft server I am on.

gollark #2309

This is not a remotely valid application and you're not. Please stop randomly trying to copy half of the random things I do for no good reason.

gollark #2303

That information is classified, confidential, redacted and expunged.

gollark (edited ) #2301

Ultlang has been affected by θ' and is not a reliable source. Please watch this.

gollark #2296

Apioforms are not bees, although they are strongly correlated.

gollark #2146

Your application has been forwarded to the Council. Processing is anticipated to be completed in between 3μs and 10³² teraseconds.

gollark #2125

If it did, MPV would play it. However, it doesn't. QED.

gollark #2122

If MPV cannot play a file, it does not actually exist/contain video data.

gollark #2023

I think the 2(1+2) is most accurately interpreted as 2*(1+2), in which case you evaluate it from left to right and get 9.

gollark #1936

We don't have those? I'm surprised. I'll commune with the Council.

gollark #1922

B is also the usual symbol in physics to denote magnetic fields.

gollark #1915

It's certainly possible.

gollark #1913

Why does "jane doe" have a mondecitronne.com email address? Do you offer this as a public offering?