to apply to GEORGE: create a thread in this forum. the thread must contain:
- the name you would like to join GEORGE as
- the colour you would like to appear as on the GEORGE page (this must be reasonably distinct from existing colours)
- the link to the website that you would like to be added to GEORGE. this must also be the page that you plan to put the GEORGE navigation box onto.
- a reliable means of contact, such as email, XMPP, matrix, or discord.
please give such application threads the "application" tag.
note: the council may take an arbitrarily long amount of time to consider your application. the amount of time that the council is taking to discuss your application should not be taken to have much of a bearing on anything. if you think it is taking too long though, bumping your application thread MIGHT speed it up, potentially
- GEORGE website
- GEORGE discord server
- GEORGE irc channel: #g on apionet
- GEORGE xmpp MUC: george@conference.ubq323.website
bureaucrats in this forum: heavoid
please log in to create a new thread
sorting and filtering options
@foreverlikethis You are asking me to stop, and you may as well ask the river to stop flowing, or for the Earth to stop in its endless orbit around the Sun. I will never stop, and with all due respect and consideration, some day we will meet again in a dark place on a great mound of bones - and on that day, I will destroy you.
Hello! Sorry for the widget not working on my website: I initially didn't want to use iFrames, so I added only text links. But since I added johnvertisements, that point is moot now.
Anyway, I have added the iFrame widget to my website, so hopefully I don't break the webring anymore.
(Though I have to ask, my name on the GEORGE website links to my GEORGE page and not to the homepage of my website. Will that affect anything?)
EDIT 1: My actual homepage is https://blog.darylsun.page/.
i would like to apologize for not having my website up as ive had issues with hosting my website. it SHOULD be https://james.theblkbox.net now but I still have yet to add the widget and i don't even know if its up right now.
my friend hosts the website on their own server now and I'm in the mercy of Judsonia, AR internet and random server issues
and I don't know when the website will be back up sadly.
on a side note,
HELLO APIOFORUM!!!!!!!!!!!!! its me, madeforlosers.,,.. its been a l
thank you, i wondered if it was a bit hyperactive
> Woah, your email is george@gmail.com?
> no, it would be zeusofthecrows@gmail.com. you can add +thing to your email address, and it delivers to the same address but obviously with a different "from" address.
yeah i started it as an anti-spam thing, but now i find it useful just to filter emails automatically
im mj and im evil and insane, i hate democracy
i would like to join george as mj (the amazing) ((the "the amazing" part is optional))
i would like to join with the colour #f2a400 (dont look it up (dont add homestuck to the search also))
if thats unavailable id be happy with #b00b69 (legit a fire colour)
crypticcoder.co.uk (pending redesign) would be cool to have on george i guess
contact me at the following:
* crypticCoder#2635 (dees cord)
* mj@crypticcoder.co.uk (emai
sorry for the delay. you have been accepted into GEORGE! please add this to your website somewhere:
`<iframe height="50" src="https://george.gh0.pw/embed.cgi?brisray
" style="border:none;width:100%" sandbox="allow-top-navigation"></iframe>`
or see [the documentation](https://george.gh0.pw/doc.txt) for more options
allow me to GEORGE, please.
<li>I would like to join GEORGE as "pyrotelekinetic"</li>
<li>I would like to appear on the GEORGE page as colour #1f8b4c</li>
<li>I would like to have https://pyrotelekinetic.github.io as my website</li>
<li>You may contact me via your choice of email <carter@isons.org>, discord <pyrotelekinetic#4641>, or xmpp <pyro@ubq323.website></li>
thank you for you consideration.