I wish to begin an activity. the rules of the activity are as follows:
in this thread, one may post a reply containing a single sentence.
each sentence should contribute to an overall story.
anything goes story-wise (except that which should be obvious), but each reply should be a good-faith contribution to the story, and keep in mind the cardinal rule of improv, "never say no*".
one may not post two replies in a row.
refresh the page right before posting to avoid conflicting replies.
She scrambled over to the steel trap door and yanked on it, but it was locked shut with an electronic padlock, and her handheld electronic lock data jammer seemed to be itself jammed by a nearby electronic lock data jammer jammer.
Suddenly a grinding noise sounded from behind her: the megazord had finished assembling itself from the parts her team had brought, and was rapidly running through its startup procedures.
Before Jerry could get out his electronic lock data jammer jammer unjammer jammer unjammer, Elise finished jamming the electronic lock, opened the hatch, and jumped into the dark, her glowing shoulder patches revealing a maze of twisty little passages, all alike, all full of approaching ghasts.